reviews / skincare / wishtrend


Hi Loves!

Today I am sharing some mini-reviews and in-depth comparison on my 3 cleansing brushes that I own!

That’s the one problem with korean skincare, they discontinue items so frequently…hahaha


Each one of these cleansing brushes is quite different in its own way, so I will be doing a mini review for each one to help guide you on which one might be the best choice for you 🙂

Elisha Coy

The ElishaCoy 3D Spin Cleaner Brush was the first cleansing brush from Korea I ever thought was worth my money. I did plenty of shopping around before deciding to purchase this one 2+ years ago. I previously reviewed it almost 2 years ago here.


This cleansing brushes main selling point is the fact that it has densely packed bristles that are extremely fine with a thin pointed tip. This makes the brush very ideal for deep more cleansing while being extremely gentle on the skin. It comes with 2 detachable brushes, a facial brush and a blackhead brush. Both brushes has the same design concept. But the blackhead brush is stiffer in texture making it more ideal for reaching deep in the pores.

This brush has 2 speed settings and rotates in both clockwise and counter clockwise directions. You can choose which direction your want your brush to spin in.

It is AA batter powered which is the only thing I did not like about the brush. However if you purchase rechargeable AA batteries, it isn’t a huge issue.

I personally love and still love the effects of this brush. It cleans very effective, helped me get control of pesky breakouts and it is still alive even 2 years after purchasing. A plus is that I still have not felt any need to replace the brush heads. It also is water proof with a silicon base protector. But I have never brought this into the shower because I don’t trust it is 100% proof.

This is a cleansing brush I highly recommend to those with sensitive skin with acne issues. This brush goes above and beyond to get the job done with its unique brush heads. It originally has a value of $120 however you can get it at $48 plus the recommended cleansing foam here! For me… definitely one of the best cleansing brush ‘s

Vita Goods

The Spin For Perfect Skin Brush was sent to me by the company north american company 1 year ago (2014). It once again is a AA battery powered brush however this one requires 4 batteries instead of 2. This can be a bit of a hassle at times. It is water proof and sure does live up to this.


This brush comes with 4 different heads. 1 Facials, 1 Sensitive Facial, 1 Body, 1 Stone. However I found the 2 facial brushes to be way to rough on the skin for my personal liking. All the bristles were straight cut, making them very harsh on the skin. These brushes I would consider more for exfoliating rather then daily cleansing. With the facial brush and the sensitive brush, I experienced redness and raw skin after using both. The stone head was meant for the feet however I felt the brush was not at all powerful enough to be effective at removing hard skin. The body but was the only good thing about this cleansing brush as it was rough enough to provide a nice scrub effect on the body.

Overall for $100, this brush is extremely over priced. The brushes are very low quality and are not ones I would ever recommend to anyone as the bristles are to straight cut and thick to even reach into a pore. However if you want a brush that only exfoliates then you can for sure get it. For me.. certainly not the best cleansing brush.

Banila Co

The Clean It Smart Auto Cleansing Brush is a Korean brush that I purchased when shopping with Rachel from Rachel & Junn when she was briefly in Korea. What caught my interest the most about this cleansing brush was that the concept was the same as the Clairsonic (which I will not buy because its over prices and I don’t like the brushes). The Banila co cleansing brush has a similar brush concept as the Elisha coy where the bristle get thinner at the tip, however it is not at drastically done. This is excellent for ACTUALLY reaching in the pores, I never recommend any brush that is straight cut because it will not get into your pores.


The cleansing brush comes with only 1 head which is the regular face brush. For me, this brush is more on the exfoliating side, however it can still be used daily. Since I have sensitive skin, I need something more gentle for every day. So purchased the sensitive skin brush for an additional $15. The machine itself costs around $80 which is still affordable in comparison to the clairsonic. It has the same features as well, where the brush vibrates at a very quick rate inside of spinning.

For me, the main seller was that this brush was super cute (obviously) and that the brush did not need AA batteries! This brush has a usb style charger. I have owned this brush for 7 months now, I use it once a day and I have only had to recharge the brush ONCE! Crazy right!?

This brush is super effective and cleansing and keeping breakouts away. It is 100% water proof and has a touch button with 2 speed settings. My only issue with this brush is the size of it. For me I find it a bit difficult to get the areas around my nose and eyes without getting soap in my eyes. But of course, this isn’t really a huge issue.

I highly recommend this brush to anyone with sensitive skin who is looking for an affordable alternative to the Clairsonic. For me… it definitely is one of the best cleansing brush ‘s!


If your looking for a good cleansing brush, I recommend Korean brand cleansing brushes. Lately in Korea, every road shop company is launching their own best cleansing brush. So definitely give them a try! All the ones I have felt here in Korea are much higher quality then any automatic cleansing brush I felt in North America. So give Korean brands a try, because trust me, you will not be disappointed.