surgery & cosmetic procedures

Breast Augmentation Experience Q & A

Hey loves and welcome back and if you are new here, welcome to my blog!

Today I will be sharing with you my Q&A video as well as the written questions and answers to the most common questions I got asked about my breast augmentation experience in South Korea. As of the date of this post, I am exactly 1 month post op, meaning my breasts are 100% fully healed. So let me answer your top questions on my breast augmentation experience!


What types of surgeries have you gotten and do you regret any?

I currently have only had 1 cosmetic surgery procedure which was my breast augmentation surgery. Even 1 year after the my breast augmentation surgery experience, I do not regret it at all.

I was wondering how much the surgery cost? Or the average price you’ve heard of for a breast augmentation surgery?

As I mentioned in my original breast augmentation experience posting, my surgery only cost roughly $8,000USD. However, breast augmentation in Korea can be more expensive if you are traveling for the surgery as the hospital of your choice will need to charge additional fees for the right to perform on overseas clients and other such fees. Of course, any additional costs or the cost in general will vary depending on the surgery clinic you choose. You will only know the true cost after you have a consultation.

Do they feel real or weird?

As you may assume, post breast augmentation leaves the breasts feeling more firm then a 100% natural breast. For me, I like to describe the texture of the breasts as similar to that of when you are ovulating, or pre-menstrual. The feeling of firmer breasts before your period is how your breasts will naturally feel once you have fully healed from your breast augmentation surgery. Of course, the amount of softness may vary depending on the size you originally were compared to how many sizes you increase. For me, I increased by 2 cup sizes and my breasts still feel natural yet with a firmness similar to ovulation.

Have you had any recent problems with them?

Currently at 1 year post breast augmentation, I have had no complications or problems.

Do you need to get check ups with a doctor after you have done the surgery?

Regular check ups are required during 1 month post surgery. However you should always remind your family doctor of your breast augmentation when getting your yearly physical check up.

What are the risks involved?

There are many risks when planning a breast augmentation surgery and this is something your surgeon will explain to you before you agree to the surgery. Since this procedure requires anesthesia, there is a risk of heart failure and death. However the chances of this actually happening are very low. Complications during surgery may arise making it important that you disclose any health issues you already have and medications you are on to your surgeon and anesthesiologist prior to surgery. Keep in mind, this is a topic you must discuss with your doctor and surgeon for an accurate and a full list of risks.

Are they permanent?

Yes. It is a common misconception that the implants should be removed 10 years after surgery. Implant technology has significantly improved over the years making implants very safe and  long term, lasting many years without replacement or chances of rupturing. Be sure to ask your surgeon about the types of implants they offer and life span before agreeing to your surgery. Of course, you can’t keep them in until your 90 years old so eventually you should get them removed. but that time is up to you and your body.

What country did you get them done in?

Seoul, South Korea. View my original breast augmentation experience article here.

How are you feeling months/years after your breast augmentation surgery?

My health feels normal after the surgery. There has been no changes in my health or my breasts other then the breasts feeling good and natural.

How is the scarring 1 year post surgery?

I scar easily and as such, I still have some PIH(post inflammatory hyper pigmentation) around the incision line. However, the scar is becoming white and the pigmentation is almost faded away after exactly 1 year post op. You can also do laser treatments to make the scar pigmentation heal much faster then mine.

Is it hard to find bras that are comfortable after the surgery?

Finding bras is easy. Of course, you will need to buy all new bras. For me I have always preferred wearing sports bras, so even after my breast augmentation experience, I still wear sports bras unless my desired outfit looks best with a push-up or under-wire bra.

Was it hard getting it done in Korea because you didn’t speak Korean? Or did they have an English speaking staff member?

For me, I had a very good friend who spoke fluent Korea who helped with translation. However every clinic that accepts foreign clients has a designated bilingual staff member who can speak fluent English & Korean to provide translation services.

Are they heavy, feel noticeably different and do they effect your physical activity such as running, jogging, etc?

At first, they did feel very different, but because it can take up to 1 year to fully heal, you gradually get used to the size and weight increase. For me, I personally did not notice a weight increase. I assumed this was because the size I got (increasing from A cup to C cup) matched my body frame perfectly. So my body naturally was built to support larger breasts as I did not get an unnatural size for my body shape and height.


Those are all the questions I received and most common questions I get asked about my breast augmentation experience. I hope this article was helpful to anyone who is curious or thinking of getting a breast augmentation surgery. Always remember to ask your potential surgeon any and every question you have as this surgery is long term and does has risks. So be safe and do your research before diving into any type of surgery 🙂