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Gangnam Station Shopping | Gangnam Style | Korea Adventure Time


You may of may not have heard the song Gangnam Style that was popular back in 2012-2013. A song that more or less helped to put Seoul South Korea “on the map” for many North Americans that had no idea what South Korea was all about. A fast passed growing country that has taken the music industry by storm and is even spreading fashion and beauty trends world wide!

In this vlog video, I went on a shopping date with one of my friends to Gangnam Station. A very popular underground shopping mall! Unfortunately, I already did most of my fall clothing shopping in Myeongdong the day before, so there wasn’t much money left over to be spent that day!

From what I was told, Gangnam Station is always crazy busy with crowds of people shopping for cheap lovely looking clothing. However we fortunately went shopping on “Chuseok” Korea’s National Thanksgiving holiday, so the shopping mall was fairly “dead” compared to how it normally is!

Gangnam Station is well known among Korean’s for the cheap cheap prices and trendy clothing. This is the place to go if you need some quick new stylish clothing for that season. And that is something I agree upon! I wanted to buy everything, all the cloths were so cute and so low priced! Ranging from $5-$30 it was basically sale prices on everything. Of course you would find the odd store that had more high quality clothing for higher prices, but the majority of store are very low priced.

Gangnam Style | Gangnam Station Shopping | KAT

Having a milk black bubble tea *Gongcha* With Eunice Above Gangnam Stations Exit.


It definitely is a place anyone should it up if they are looking for some new clothing for the upcoming season. However it is best to keep in mind the price displays the quality. The clothing isn’t the best made. But it will last you at least the year 🙂

NOTE: Gangnam Station’s under ground shopping mall does not have many mens clothing stores. There are more men’s stores above ground, however those stores are more regular priced.

Have you ever been shopping for some Gangnam style at Gangnam Station before?