food / korea / south korea / travel


I have never been to a Korean bbq before back in Canada, I am feeling a little spoiled that my first Korean bbq is authentic in Seoul South Korea!

We went to a place in AK Plaza in Bundang Seohyeon. It was located out of gate 6 and was on the ground floor inside the building on the left hand side towards the end of the strip. Since I cannot read Hangul yet, all I know what the the side above the door was white with pictures of raw meat and the number 36,000 written in red.

This was our second time to Korean bbq, we only have a basic idea of how it should taste and how the process works. Immediately the place was much better then our first time at Korean bbq.

We ordered pork neck which I honestly like much better then pork belly. I find pork belly really is just like thick bacon… ya its just thick bacon 😛 I personally am not a fan of bacon to begin with so pork neck was much more preferably to me. I was fatty, but not too fatty, just the right amount of fat to give the meat extra flavour and still enjoy the tender meat!

This Korean bbq place in AK Plaza will most definitely be one that we will be going to again. The customer service was great, the menu was both Korean and English and the veggies were all self serve which was excellent because you really do burn through the veggies fast at Korean bbq!

Korean bbq location:

  • Enter AK Plaza through main doors
  • Turn right and exit out gate 6
  • Walk straight till your see an accessory store on your left hand side
  • Look for the ground floor entrance with a white sign with pictures of meat that says 36,000 in red
  • Enter the building and it is the first restaurant you see.

Do you live in Korea? What restaurants would you most recommend? Let us know in the comments section down bellow!